Tuesday, April 23, 2013

This time last year...

This time last year....

A girl named Arianna decided to live in Logan for the summer. The semester was about over, she found an apartment and got a new job. She decided to keep working on campus during the day and then at Texas Roadhouse at night. She really liked a boy named Scott who had kissed her a week earlier. She realized she didn't want to spend the summer apart, even though it was just an hour away. That was an hour too far.

This time last year...

A boy named Scott was trying to find a job in Logan. The semester was almost over and his plan was to go home to Kaysville to sell Direct TV. He didn't really want to do that but he needed the money. He really liked this girl named Arianna. So much so that he dipped her by a creak, held her there for about a minute and then kissed her a quick swift kiss. But oh was it good. :)

Here's to a year of adventure so far and more to come with my Best Friend for life! ;)
Love you babe!  

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