I was talking to my mom on the phone the other day....casual conversation style. I probably called to ask her a question, but of course she asked how I was doing. I said good...and rattled off my "eventful day" thus far with Cooger. Mentioning any blow outs, giggles, nap time, fussiness, and everything else you do with a baby at home. She then interrupted and said,
"You need some hobbies!"
I explained that I was happy being a stay at home mommy and hanging out with my Coogster all day long. Which she then responded,
"of course! As you should! But you need things to do while he is napping and playing!"
That got me thinking. I have given up a few things in this adjustment to becoming a mom. Some are not necessary sacrifices and I believe that ALL moms need to have time to do things that they love. We are human too!! All of this of course comes after my responsibility to care for, nurture, and love on this baby boy...and the hubs!
So to start of with, I started running again! YAHWHOO! Have I missed that! This morning was my first run in a LONG time. And while it was uncomfortable, tiring and hard....there was something about it that felt familiar and wonderful. I know it will be a long road ahead to get up to the point where I can go far and enjoy it. But I long for that feeling again. My colorful running shoes hitting the pavement, cool summer morning wind in my face, and free legs! Bring it on baby!
Second, here I am. BLOGGING. me, writing, documenting and recording our life. again. I haven't stopped reading blogs, I just stopped writing here. :( Sorry about that. Mostly sorry to our little fam for the short break in history.
Also, i'm thinking of asking for a sewing machine for my b-day coming up. I don't really know much at all about sewing but I think its the coolest and I'd love to learn! My mom, sister, Pinterest, and a few blogs have got me inspired!
My main excuse for the lack of hobbies was being so tired! Staying up throughout the night with a baby means NAP TIME when he naps! Enjoy it while there's only one right? And the fact that there are still chores to be done and mouths to feed. But hey I enjoy those things a lot too so I wasn't hobby-less....I think I just enjoy cleaning more than most people realize. Even my mom, haha. How'd she get so lucky with a cleaning freak like me! ;)
And also the fact that my little one only sleeps for about 45 minutes at a time. Which means its crunch time right when he falls asleep and I try to get as much done as I can!
Speaking of that...someone is awake and squirmin....gotta go! :)